Treat the person,
not the symptom.
Family Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine (FAHM) is a holistic practice based on Eastern Philosophy and diagnosis. Our focus is on the treatment of the whole person, rather than just a symptom or syndrome. Classical Chinese Medicine has been successful in treating a myriad of conditions, but it is also used as a preventive treatment. In our hectic and busy lives, acupuncture and herbs can help us achieve balance, which promotes health, energy and vitality.
Patient Office Hours
Monday | Tuesday | Thursday | Friday
11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Please Note: Telemedicine hours may differ from the posted office hours
Location & Contact
Our office has been arranged with the help of Feng-Shui Master Yu Guang. Master Yu Guang is part of a family that has been practicing Feng-Shui for five generations. Learn more about Master Yu Guang here.
Some Words from our Patients
Inna T.
“If you're looking for a very attentive and knowledgeable acupuncturist - look no further. I had several courses (12 treatments each) with great results - pain gone, mobility increased, energy through the room, sleep normalized, weight gain controlled.”
“I started seeing Yuri for both acupuncture and herbal medicine. I found myself more relaxed, more resilient, able to focus on working again and blessed with a renewed interest in life. As a practitioner, the whole experience of seeing Yuri is healing in and of itself.”
Nicole B.
“Yuri thank you for making me happy again, after 25 years battling anxiety and depression and taking awful meds, I now feel totally alive, well and have full energy for life again! Thank you!!!”
Yelena K.
“Yuri is a rarity among health practitioners who successfully combines the highest professionalism with a personalized approach to his patients. His wide expertise and integrated approach allows a unique experience for each patient.”